Welcome to my table, all the boxes are open :-) A.
(((last update: 07/05/21)))
All the images forms a giant tablecloth in process.
These documents are to be considered like research, tests, observations for finished and unfinished projects.
fragments, infra-mince, micro writing, deciphering, margins
lines, line, z-lines, animal line
to gather
to animal, to write
stone, river, glass
first Z zigzag
"j'aime les lignes"
Walter Benjamin, butterfly or leaflet
le dés-dos du papillon
snow goggles and horizon
Roland Barthes, chopsticks and index
Giuseppe Penone, redo, copy
phantoms documents
ethnopoetics, oral poetry, transcriptions, translations
parler ensemble, to talk together
filaments, recitation board (planchette de récitation)
Henri Michaux
To do a bulla (bulle-enveloppe), Pascal Quignard "tuer les fleurs"
Mark to Charlotte Y.
leaves of books